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Life is Short


There is a saying that says that life is short that is why you have to live life to the fullest. While modern medicine has and the modern way of life has made it possible for people to be able to have longer lives, in the span of human history one's life is still short. Many people get to live until their old age and there are some who don't.

When you know that life is short, what do you do then? Well one of the things that you can do is to try out different things and experiences. For many young people this means travelling to exotic places that they are interested in. There are some young Westerners who choose to live in an Asian country for a time in order to explore the culture and they support themselves by working there. Others go backpacking in other countries.


Many young people decided to travel because for them life is short and so one must fill it with many adventures as they possibly can. This also relates with work. Studies have shown that millenials are not anymore interested as much as baby boomers with job security. They are more considered with job satisfaction. Thus if they feel that they are not satisfied with their jobs then they do not feel any qualm about quitting it and moving on to the next interesting thing. They are also not afraid to try out other adventurous things such as skydiving and bungee jumping. Learn more about e-cigs at


When you have the view that life is short you may tend to be more mindful too of your relationships. You may choose not to dwell on resentment, bitterness and anger so that you can be happy in your relationships. You may choose to understand rather than be a critic to someone because in the end you do not know when you will die and you might as well just strive for a harmonious relationship then. Click here to know the best e cig in uk.


Now one of the things that young people may want to try because life is short is smoking. When it comes to smoking you have two choices now, one is to do it with regular cigarettes and the other one is to use electronic cigarettes. The cheaper option would be the e-cigarette. There are now many vape centers where you can purchase the best electronic cigarette uk if you wish to try this kind of smoking.

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